You’re enjoying your freshly made cup of coffee in the kitchen. You notice that the meeting room is getting quite busy. It seems that a weekly meeting with Viral Vision has almost finished. Judy — your colleague from the Customer Service Department — approaches you.
Hi there! Your coffee smells fantastic! I bet it’s that new Brazilian blend everyone’s been buzzing about. I’m literally dying for a cup.
Well, we’ve just had a chat with Viral Vision. They are absolutely thrilled about launching the ad campaign next week.
Here’s the thing though.I know that I’ve already asked you to talk to the bloggers about making some extra posts on social media to boost the performance. I get that it wasn’t mentioned in the agreement and they’ve already said no.
But this is our biggest client and they really insist on that. Is there anything you could do?
I guess it’s time to save the day!
You go back to your desk with a firm intention to work your magic.
Send an email to help Judy with her request.
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